Leadership IMT

Download a copy of the Incident Management Training Pathway.

Airbase Manager Course

This course provides learners with the skill and knowledge required to perform the role of Air Base Manager within an IMT.

Aircraft Officer Course

This course provides learners with the skill and knowledge required to perform the role of Aircraft Officer within an IMT.

Incident Controller Level 2 Course

This course provides learners with the skills and knowledge required to manage all activities and personnel deployed to resolve a Level 2 incident through use and management of internal and external resources.

Incident Controller Level 3 Course

To provide learners with the skills and knowledge required to manage all activities and personnel deployed to resolve a Level 3 incident through use and management of internal and external resources.
Intelligence Officer Course
This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to coordinate the collection, analysis and dissemination of intelligence to support informed decision making at an incident.

Leadership Fundamentals Course

The Leadership Fundamentals Course provides participants with the fundamental knowledge and skills to be able to conduct briefings and debriefings as well as provide a foundation to undertake further training for specific leadership roles within the NSW SES.

Liaison Officer Course

This course provides learners with the skill and knowledge required to perform the role of Liaison Officer within an IMT.

Logistics Officer Course
This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to acquire and provide human and physical resources, facilities, services and materials to support achievement of incident objectives.

Operations Officer Level 2 Course
This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required by a Level 2 Operations Officer to manage operational resources and to resolve a Level 2 incident in accordance with the objectives identified by the Incident Controller.

Operations Officer Level 3 Course
To provide learners with the skills and knowledge required to implement actions to resolve a Level 3 incident, consistent with the objectives identified by the Incident Controller
Planning Officer Course
This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to collect, analyse and apply information and to develop plans for the resolution of a complex incident.

Public Information Officer Course
This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to gather, assemble and disseminate timely, tailored and relevant information to the community and media.

Safety Officer Course

This course provides learners with the skill and knowledge required to perform the role of Safety Officer within an IMT.

Sector Commander Course
This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to manage a multi-team response at an incident which may be time critical and/or potentially threatening to life, property or the environment.