Cyber Security Essentials for privileged users (eLearning)


This training covers threat actors and motivations, social engineering techniques, secure administration principals and operational security (OPSEC) considerations.

Target Audience

Privileged users – Aimed at staff who:
  • have elevated access to IT, business and/or financial systems,
  • work in an area considered higher risk with access to sensitive information,
  • who have administrative accounts – example

Learning Outcomes

Successful completion of Cyber Security Essentials for privileged users


  • Privileged user risk
  • Cyber security concepts
  • Secure IT administration
  • Types of attacks
  • Operational security
  • Phishing
  • Passwords and passphrases
  • Password managers
  • Public WiFi
  • Reconnaissance and social media
  • The dark web
  • The internet of things (IoT)
  • Bluetooth
  • QR Codes

Learning Methods

There is one eLearning topic to complete. Allow approx. 20 minutes to complete.

Course Entry Requirements

Cyber Security Essentials for members
Cyber Security Essentials for privileged users