Flood Rescue Land Based Course


To provide learners with the skills and knowledge to perform land-based swiftwater and floodwater rescues and recoveries as a member of a specialist team. 


Target Audience:

Members training to be a Flood Rescue Land Based Operator

Learning Outcomes:

  • PUASAR001 – Perform land based Swiftwater and floodwater rescue and recovery
  • Prepare and respond to the resuce
  • Participate in assessing the rescue scene
  • Participate in developing primary and secondary rescue plans
  • Gain access and perform rescue on casualty
  • Remove casualty from swiftwater and floodwater


  • Welcome and Overview
  • Introduction to flood rescue
  • Understanding floodwater
  • Preparing for flood rescue operation
  • Assessing the rescue scene
  • Developing rescue plans
  • Performing land-based rescues
  • Victim Care
  • Concluding the rescue operation

Learning Methods and Duration:

eLearning: 6 hours

Course Duration: 1 Day

  • Training time: 4 hours and 25 mins
  • Assessment time: 2 hours and 35 mins

Course Entry Requirements:

  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
  • Job Ready Pathway
  • Field Operator Foundations Pathway
  • Participate in a Rescue Operation (PIARO)
  • Fit for Role – Swim
  • Fit for Role – Fitness

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